SOLHER womens DRAFT Tournament RULES


4 Game Guarantee:

3 pool play games and then single elimination bracket


coaches participate in a 6 round, snake-style online draft

the rest of the team is randomly filled by position


240 Compression Stamped USSSa Softball bats are approved in solher draft play. No Senior Bats are allowed.

If a player hits a ball using an illegal bat, and the play is protested by the defending team before the next pitch, the play will ruled as a Dead Ball Out and a warning will be issued to the team. If it happens again that game, the play will once again be ruled a Dead Ball out and the player will be ejected from the remainder of the game resulting in an automatic out each time that spots comes up in the lineup.


THE tournament directors will supply each umpire with 3 balls on their field. PLEASE do your best to return foul balls and home runs to the umpires. 


Three (3) Home Runs/Game plus a designated hitter.

All home runs over the limit will be considered a dead ball out. 

If the hitter is walked, the team has a free home run until the hitters next at bat. 


Each team must present their line up to the umpire and team before the 1st pitch.

Each team MUST bat all of the players on their roster, However only ten (10) will take the field.

No player may sit out from playing a defensive position more than 7 innings for every 14 innings played unless player should choose to.

Each team will need to monitor this as a whole. Please be respectful and fair to your teammates that also came to play. (No player can be an AH for back to back games unless that player should chose to.)

If a player is hurt or leaves mid-game, the team is not required to forfeit an out for their at bat.


1 per inning + a runner for the pitcher (optional). If the runner comes up to bat in the lineup before she scores or gets out, that runners spot in the lineup will be an automatic out. 

Note: aApinch runner may be used MORE THAN ONCE in the same inning if the person needing the runner gets on again (the pinch runner must be the same runner used earlier that inning).


20 runs after 3 innings

15 runs after 4 innings

10 runs after 5 innings


Pool play - no new inning may start after 65 minutes. Time starts after the coin flip. hustle in and hustle out.

Time limit is not enforced in bracket play.


5’ - 10’ height limit.

Jukes/faking allowed.


All counts start 1-1, no free foul


NO pickups will be made to any roster unless a Solher draft tournament director adds them.

the tournament director will do their best to fill empty roster spots with people on the official waiting list. If unsuccessful, the tema will play with 1 less player.


If for whatever reason, a player is injured during the game and cannot continue to play, their spot in the lineup will be skipped and the team will not be forced to take an out. However, that player may not return at any time and is ruled out.

If a team drops to less than 1o, the tournament director will make the best effort to assign a “house sub” (someone that has not played on a team yet), if available.

If no house subs are available, only the tournament director can approve adding a player from another team.